today it's your birthday honey. 42! this means we have now known eachother for half of our lives! who would've thunk it huh?? remember when we first met? when we went and had our 1st legal glass of wine? when you called me late at night when i was at work? when i came to see you at the ice cream store? when we made our first carrot cake together? last time we saw eachother when i left for missouri? I remember all those moments and more. every time we talked or saw eachother my heart would skip a beat, i felt out of breath just a little. when i left denver i felt i had left behind a small part of myself, though at the time i didn't know what it was. all was set so that we'd never be together...until i came back to denver for a visit, august 29th 1992. it was so ridiculously romantic, you picking me up in the evening at union station. i was so so happy to see you! somewhere inside i felt whole again. from then on we started our life together. people often refer to life as a road that can sometimes be a bumpy one. boy did we ever stay on the bumpy side of it! we hit every bump, every pothole, every crack, and sometimes even created some ourselves! but amid all these pot holes, the road was beautiful and a real testimony of our love for eachother... the time i was so dehydrated in the mountains and were there to help me, the day daniel was born and i saw your life change when he took his first breath, we have literally carried eachother when sick, and we have had lots of fun! But you know what honey? it was in our darkest times that we really grew. It was when we were apart that we took the time to grow (up) as individuals, it was then that we learned to trust eachother and realized that we were stronger together. And now here we are. we've known eachother 21 years, we've seen eachother at our worst and at our best, we have a son. Today, as I sit in our appartment, on top of our mountain, I am happy. We have finally reached this simple life we always wanted. We found true happiness in a 570 square foot apartment, set on a mountain pass, with our kiddo, 3 cats, a few books, an empty bank account and all of our history. every day, without exception, i feel thankful. thankful to be here, with you. We have so much fun together. we are like two kids, always wrestling, laughing, playing tricks and games, and taking pure pleasure in all we do! Every night you come home I am so excited to see you, every time you reach to hold my hand I have butterflies in my stomach, every times you look at me to tell me you love me I fall in love all over again. Baby, there is just nothing i can write that could ever truly say just how much i love you. it is with you that i can be myself, it is with you that i feel strong, it is with you that i feel whole.
life is good |
happy birthday my one and only, i can't wait for what's to come...
talk about being a man of few words....
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