Monday, September 5, 2011

8th grade

Today Daniel starts 8th grade....
Hmmm...I came on the blog, clicked on new post, put the title and the first sentence. Now I have nothing. I guess I must've thought I had something to say, but I don't really.
It's not that i don't have emotions about each and every new school year, or apprehensions about how it'll go...because I do, I always do! but other than the logistics of it all, I don't really know what to say.
Say (again) that I am so proud...say (again) how hard he works to get to where he is...say (again) how incredibly challenging/draining/exciting/fun (etc...) it is to be his mom...nah, I'll guys know that already! I am a master at repeating myself, maybe I'll work on that!
After school our circle of mountain moms (4 of us) are going to meet, have tea and cake (how proper!!!), and compare our teens' schedules so we can organize carpool. Carpool is vital here, no bus comes to where we live!
I guess I will one thing about this school year: I am very curious to see how it is going to unfold, Daniel is going through many changes lately and I am interested to see what fruits these changes will bear...


Anonymous said...

The last sentence is a troll caller ;-)

Unknown said...

how so?